My Experiences With In-Store Pokémon Mystery Gifts

As a kid, the cool Pokémon in-store mystery gift events were nearly always not available in my region. I then fell off Pokémon for awhile just as the Wi-Fi based events were coming in - so I missed those too. Then, the pandemic hit while I was getting back into Pokémon, so no in person events.

With the return of in-store mystery gifts, I didn't know what to expect so why not write about it? This is a living document of all the physical events I've attended with my experiences.

Genesect, Volcanion, and Marshadow (October 2022)

This event opened in Europe months before NZ and I had some bad FOMO. Thankfully it ended up being in NZ too!

Receive Genesect, Volcanion, and Marshadow in Your Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield Game
Visit a participating retailer for codes that’ll let you receive Genesect, Volcanion, and Marshadow in your Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield game.

My friend called ahead to see whether the codes were available - they were, so a friend and I headed to the local JB-HiFi. Turns out the codes were printed with the receipt printer and needed a manger's approval to print. 🤷‍♀️ No purchase required too, yay.

Still, an easy GET!

Shiny Eternatus (September 2022)

My first event! This was originally a distribution to GameStop and EB Games (EB is in NZ).

Receive Shiny Eternatus at GameStop or EB Games
Get a code card at participating retailers to receive this Legendary Pokémon in your Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield game.
Or if the link dies, a tweet from Serebii.

Though it was met with some confusion. It seems the Pokémon Company didn't supply the codes for launch day and I had to wait two weeks.

After my friend called ahead to confirm the availability, I went to my local EB Games and asked at the counter for the shiny Eternatus code and received a nice shiny piece of cardboard:

No purchase necessary, the card was just taken from a stack of cards behind the counter and I walked content straight after.