Raspberry Pi Fixing Raspberry Pi VNC “Cannot Currently Show the Desktop” but It’s Not Resolution or hdmi_force_hotplug Follow me as I tell the story of why the two common fixes (resolution and hdmi_force_hotplug) for “Cannot Currently Show the Desktop” didn't work when using VNC for my Raspberry Pi.
C# Featured Writing a .NET Music Discord Bot for a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: Brotherman Bill This post takes us through creating a music Discord bot using C#, Lavalink, and Victoria while running on a small Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Continuous Deployment From Github to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W With Azure DevOps Ever wanted to deploy your fun project to your Raspberry Pi with Azure DevOps? Follow this guide where I'll take you from scratch to deployment on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W via GitHub and Azure Devops.
Raspberry Pi Creating an Autostart .NET 6 Service on a Raspberry Pi In this post we'll explore how to create a service for a Raspberry Pi such that we can have a .NET process starting when the Pi boots.
Raspberry Pi Installing .NET 6 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Installing .NET6 on a Raspberry Pi can be quite easy, however with the different architecture of the Pi Zero 2 W some of the easier installs won't work. This post will show you a simple enough way of doing a .NET 6 install on a Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Running Lavalink on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W In this post you'll get a tutorial on how to run Lavalink on a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and learn the hitches along the way.
Raspberry Pi Installing Java 16 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Installing Java 16 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is a bit of a pain and this tutorial will guide you through it.
Raspberry Pi How to Run a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Headless By adding two files onto the boot sector for the Raspberry Pi you can easily start a completely wireless experience either through PuTTY or with a little more effort, VNC. This post will show you how with a Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Installing Raspberry Pi OS on an SD Card for a Raspberry Pi Simple instructions on getting a Raspberry Pi setup with Raspberry Pi OS including how to expand the drive to take the whole SD card.