Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 10 - Pokémon Legends Arceus With a fascinating break away from some established norms, Pokémon Legends Arceus brings in old mythicals and new forms for the Living Dex project.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Appendix C - Miscellaneous Numbers Appendix C is about any real world numbers the project has.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 9 - Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl This part takes us to playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Exploring a nostalgic remake and bagging a lot of new mythicals for the project.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 8 - Odds and Ends Round 2 Welcome to the second mixed bag post of the Living Dex project where we'll be quickly revisiting Sword and Shield, taking a stop at the Nintendo eShop, rounding it off with even deeper miscellaneous topics.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Appendix B - Achievement Screenshots Appendix B is a list of the various Pokémon League teams, trainer cards and diplomas earned along the way in the Living Dex Project.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Appendix A - The Whole Living Dex Roster Appendix A is a tabular reference of all my Pokémon from the Living Dex project.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 7 - Wrapping up the First 898 The final part of the original Living Dex project. Here I'll reflect on both the good and bad of the project such as duration, cost, loves, and frustrations.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 6 - Odds and Ends Part 6 takes us on the side quest that was Pokémon GO, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and grabbing some non-required forms for the Living Dex.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 5 - Generation Eight, Sword and Shield Part 5 is an enjoyable romp through Galar to grab the last of the regular Pokédex and the new Galarian forms.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 4 - Generation Seven, ”Alola!” Part 4 focuses on Ultra Sun, a fun refreshing change in the Pokémon series that brings us both new Pokémon in the Pokédex and regional forms.
Pokemon Featured Making a Living Dex: Part 3 - Preservation and Generation Five Part 3 has us looking at how I preserved my old ROMs and save files from old Pokémon games as well as moving up Pokémon from these generations to the modern generation.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 2 - It Begins With Generation Six Generation Six of Pokémon is a fantastic way to start a Living Dex. In this part we'll follow my journey through Alpha Sapphire, Omega Ruby, and Y as I grab the first 721 Pokémon.
Pokemon Featured Making a Living Dex: Part 1 - A Lifelong Dream The first part of my series on creating a Living Dex. Here we'll look at some of my Pokémon history and set ourselves up for the whole journey to catch 'em all.